Not sure if you saw these HOT & Sexy “ Spicey Wifeys” on the Monique Show but if you didn’t….you missed the must have T shirt for your ButterScotchBeau…..Nick Cannon is representing for his “Spicy Wifey” Mariah Carey…..and if you’re anything like our resident “BSBelle Spicey Wifey” your husband or fiancé has got to have one!! Spicy Wifey is a lifestyle brand designed to inspire, encourage and invigorate married women and women on the path to marriage. So go get him a T shirt now!!!! Order at http://www.spicywifey.com/ and use discount code: SW10DAD at checkout! Purchase one of Men's T shirts and receive FREE shipping on your entire purchase! Order today to insure delivery in time for Father’s Day! Code: SW10DAD at checkout! Now go get Spicey….Wifey!
Thank you for the repost love ladies! We appreciate the support :) Quin, Co-Founder