Not sure if you saw these HOT & Sexy “ Spicey Wifeys” on the Monique Show but if you didn’t….you missed the must have T shirt for your ButterScotchBeau…..Nick Cannon is representing for his “Spicy Wifey” Mariah Carey…..and if you’re anything like our resident “BSBelle Spicey Wifey” your husband or fiancĂ© has got to have one!! Spicy Wifey is a lifestyle brand designed to inspire, encourage and invigorate married women and women on the path to marriage. So go get him a T shirt now!!!! Order at http://www.spicywifey.com/ and use discount code: SW10DAD at checkout! Purchase one of Men's T shirts and receive FREE shipping on your entire purchase! Order today to insure delivery in time for Father’s Day! Code: SW10DAD at checkout! Now go get Spicey….Wifey!