BSB got this question from one of our BeautifulBelle Followers and it got us thinking…..what relaxers do top beauty guru’s recommend……because BSB is not totally against relaxers…we did the research and found out…..Design Essentials Lo Lye Relaxer is a unique combination of emollients and moisturizers that condition your hair during the chemical process, allowing the hair to maintain its strength and integrity!
This relaxer is extremely effective at loosening tight curl patterns and making hair manageable without losing its body and shine! Note: Make sure you have your beautician bases your full scalp! Whether you choose to give your hair a Brazilian or let Design Essentials loosen your curly locks….after the straightening process, you MUST maintain and treat your hair as though it has been relaxed AND color treated (even if you don't have color in your hair)…remember be cautious when using any straightening tools and systems! Thanks for the question Belle….we hope this helps!
Brazilian Silk Reviews and Information:
1. http://www.short-hair-style.com/brazilian-silk-keratin-treatment.html
2. http://www.totalbeauty.com/content/gallery/keratin-hair-treatments/p48432/page11
Check Brazilian Silk out on FB:
Salon in STL that does Brazilian Silik Treatments:
Shear Images Salon - 11032 Olive St. Rd. - Creve Couer, MO 63141, USA - 314-692-8080
Design Essentials Product Line:
FYI….Marc Stevens Gallery uses Design Essential Products!
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