Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pumps By Day…Sandals By Night: MINX Pedi To The Rescue!

Do you have the same problem BSB has….chipped toe nail polish the day after your pedicure because…hello…you have to wear pumps (closed toed shoes) to work! That’s a sure fire way to ruin your fresh paint job! So, instead of polish try a Minx Pedicure! This stuff’s amazing!!! I can wear my pumps all day long...feeling free to display my sandal ready toes at night…and the best part is no chipped polish! The minx pedi should last 3-4 weeks and is a great way to have fun with the nails on your toes & not your hands…so your boss and other colleagues will have to continue to wonder if you have a wild Sasha Fierce side! LOL


  1. La Petite Spa (LaToya)
    318 North Euclid Avenue in the Central West End
    St Louis, MO 63108

